's been a while since I have been here but let me tell you...I've just had so much going on and so many things going through my head it just never felt like the right time.
School is officially OVER for the summer and I am loving it! Most of you know that I am a Preschool teacher during the school year, but during the summer I get the awesome opportunity to go work with the school age kids who need daycare in the summer. This means currently I am teaching/hanging out with 5th and 6th graders. And we get to go to the pool EVERYDAY!
For those of you who know me well, you know that this is my happy place!!
So I literally get paid to sit by the pool everyday...this is my job people! I'm loving life right now.
But in all seriousness: Honestly I have really been struggling with my word that God gave to me as few months ago. I blogged about it here. But this word was once again brought up to me Sunday.
This Sunday we had the privilege of having the Executive Director of Men of Iron, Garret Barbush, speak at our church. Men of Iron is a men's mentorship program designed to help men sharpen men and the church.
He once again brought up the topic of Doors....
Okay Lord you got my attention!
I have been Praying about the "door" that God is trying to show me but I don't feel I have any clear answers yet. Which to me means keep knocking.
Anyway, he was talking about how if you had to summarize your life in six words what would they say??
What would my six words say? What legacy did I want to leave behind? I know in my heart what I want my 6 words to say, but is that really what they would say? Would the word "doors" pop up in those six words somewhere??
Next Garret said God Can do 3 things:
1. Open doors for ANYONE
2. Open doors in any circumstance
3. Open doors very quietly
1. Open doors for ANYONE
2. Open doors in any circumstance
3. Open doors very quietly
Okay God, so what your speaking to me is that, even though I'm not sure how this door is going to open, that it can be done at any moment?
I knew without a shadow of doubt God was speaking to me; telling me He's got this all under control and I just needed to keep trusting Him.
And then he shared this:
"Most people will never accomplish the long term great because they settle for the short term good." – Reg Saddler
That wrecked me.
Am I just settling for the short term good because frankly it's just easier? I feel for me it's that I'm just not sure where to even begin. I know what I want, and I feel God wants, the end result to be; but since God hadn't revealed everything to me yet it's just hard.
So, as Garret said, I'm Ready, Ready or Not and now I just need to remember to keep pressing on so I can accomplish the long term great.
God's going to open this door I just know it and I'm so excited to walk through it in obedience and faith!

Here's my 6 words today Lord:
Open Door.Here.Ready or Not